We are passionate about new challenges, if you need to shape a new product, service or brand, we are at your disposal.

Avda. Irún nº 26
31194 Arre,
Navarra, Spain

If you have a project we are open to listen to new challenges.



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XC 90


Knife and scissors sharpening machine

Sharpened of the north S.L.


Product design

El objetivo de un buen diseño va más allá de un valor puramente estético, la apariencia nace del contexto y la funcionalidad del objeto y define la manera en la que el producto se relaciona con entorno y usuario. Como ejemplo de ello os presentamos el rediseño de la Dualtech XC90.

Not only has the visual aspect of the product been updated, giving it a touch of fresh air without losing sight of its industrial design essence. We have also worked on making a more compact design that also allows a significant optimization in the manufacture of its parts. And last but not least, a visual language has been created with materials and colors that communicate to the user in a simple way the functionality of each of its parts.

Dualtech-XC60- Not only has the visual appearance of the product been updated, giving it a fresh look without losing sight of its industrial design essence.

Work has also been done to make a more compact design that also allows a significant optimization in the manufacture of its parts.

Dualtech-XC60- Not only has the visual appearance of the product been updated, giving it a fresh look without losing sight of its industrial design essence.